Ozone LIDAR as an Analytical Tool in Effective Air Pollution Management: The Geneva 96 Campaign


  • Bertrand Calpini
  • Valentin Simeonov
  • François Jeanneret
  • Jérôme Kuebler
  • Vijay Sathya
  • Hubert van den Bergh




The LIDAR (LIght Detection And Ranging) technique has developed into one of the practical high performance techniques for conducting air quality and meteorological measurements. DIfferential Absorption Lidar (DIAL) is used for measuring trace gases, including pollutants like ozone at low concentrations. Multiple wavelengths backscatter and depolarization measurements give information about particles in the atmosphere, and single wavelength lidar can be used for meteorological measurements like wind velocity and temperature. Range resolved in situ data obtained by lidar can play a significant role in our understanding of the air quality in the planetary boundary layer, particularly when applied in conjunction with air quality models. This is because DIAL can be used to measure concentrations in three dimensions in real time with a spatial resolution that corresponds well to that used in the model calculations. Thus one obtains an advantage when comparing with point measurements at or near ground level which are often perturbed by local emissions. A summary of the lidar principle is presented here, followed by different examples of vertical ozone profiles and time series obtained with a new optical layout of the EPFL-LPAS DIAL system using dual telescope detection. These data were obtained during the summer 96 field campaign in the Geneva area. Results are then compared with the mesoscale Eulerian model calculations performed in our laboratory. The overall results provide new insight into air pollution dynamics in the Geneva area and calculations are under way, using the model adjusted by the measurements, to optimize air pollution abatement strategies under certain atmospheric conditions in this part of Switzerland.






Analytical Science in Switzerland

How to Cite

B. Calpini, V. Simeonov, F. Jeanneret, J. Kuebler, V. Sathya, H. van den Bergh, Chimia 1997, 51, 700, DOI: 10.2533/chimia.1997.700.