Harmonium: An Ultrafast Vacuum Ultraviolet Facility
Photoelectron spectroscopy, Photoion spectroscopy, Ultrafast scienceAbstract
Harmonium is a vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) photon source built within the Lausanne Centre for Ultrafast Science (LACUS). Utilising high harmonic generation, photons from 20–110 eV are available to conduct steady-state or ultrafast photoelectron and photoion spectroscopies (PES and PIS). A pulse preserving monochromator provides either high energy resolution (70 meV) or high temporal resolution (40 fs). Three endstations have been commissioned for: a) PES of liquids; b) angular resolved PES (ARPES) of solids and; c) coincidence PES and PIS of gas phase molecules or clusters. The source has several key advantages: high repetition rate (up to 15 kHz) and high photon flux (1011 photons per second at 38 eV). The capabilities of the facility complement the Swiss ultrafast and X-ray community (SwissFEL, SLS, NCCR MUST, etc.) helping to maintain Switzerland's leading role in ultrafast science in the world.Downloads
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How to Cite
Chimia 2017, 71, 268, DOI: 10.2533/chimia.2017.268.