Nanoparticles Are Everywhere, Even Inside Trees

Highlights of Analytical Sciences in Switzerland


  • Paula Ballikaya WSL Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research, CH-8903 Birmensdorf; Department of Geography, University of Zurich, CH-8057 Zurich
  • Ivano Brunner WSL Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research, CH-8903 Birmensdorf
  • Claudia Cocozza Department of Agriculture, Food, Environment and Forestry (DAGRI), University of Florence, I-50145 Florence
  • Daniel Grolimund Swiss Light Source, PSI Paul Scherrer Institute, CH-5232 Villigen PSI
  • Ralf Kaegi Eawag Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology, CH-8600 Dübendorf
  • Maria Elvira Murazzi WSL Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research, CH-8903 Birmensdorf
  • Marcus Schaub WSL Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research, CH-8903 Birmensdorf
  • Leonie C. Schönbeck WSL Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research, CH-8903 Birmensdorf; Department of Botany & Plant Sciences, University of California Riverside, 2150 Batchelor Hall, Riverside, CA, 92521-0124
  • Brian Sinnet Eawag Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology, CH-8600 Dübendorf
  • Paolo Cherubini WSL Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research, CH-8903 Birmensdorf; Department of Geography, University of Zurich, CH-8057 Zurich; Department of Forest and Conservation Sciences, Faculty of Forestry, University of British Columbia, 2004-2424 Main Mall, V6T 1Z4, Vancouver BC



Gold nanoparticles, Leaf and root uptake, Pollution, Stem accumulation, Stomatal pathway, Tree species




How to Cite

P. Ballikaya, I. Brunner, C. Cocozza, D. Grolimund, R. Kaegi, M. E. Murazzi, M. Schaub, L. C. Schönbeck, B. Sinnet, P. Cherubini, Chimia 2023, 77, 256, DOI: 10.2533/chimia.2023.256.