Summer School Report: Jyväskylä Summer School Course on Ultrafast Spectroscopy
Jyväskylä, Finland, August 7–11, 2023
The 32nd edition of the Jyväskylä Summer School (JSS32) was in high demand for the ultrafast spectroscopy chapter. On August 7–11 2023 nearly 40 students gathered to Jyväskylä to tune in for the JSS32 course entitled UltrafastSpectroscopy: phenomena, experiments and data analysis methods. The course was coordinated by Senior Lecturer Tatu Kumpulainen and featured lectures each morning from two invited speakers, Prof. Eric Vauthey, University of Geneva, Switzerland, and Assoc. Prof. Jens Uhlig, Lund University, Sweden. In addition to the lectures, the course featured four workshops in the afternoons aimed at introducing the participants to the practical aspects of steady-state and time-resolved spectroscopies. Besides the scientific content, JSS32 offered several social events where participants could network with other participants of the whole summer school.Downloads
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How to Cite
Chimia 2023, 77, 797, DOI: 10.2533/chimia.2023.797.