Analysis of Radicals in Combustion Processes


  • Peter P. Radi Paul Scherrer Institute, General Energy Research, CH-5232 Villigen
  • Paul Beaud
  • Hans-Martin Frey
  • Thomas Gerber
  • Bernhard Mischler
  • Alexios-Paul Tzannis



This work reports on a variety of radical analysis applications in combustion that are performed in the laboratories of the Paul Scherrer Institute. Planar Laser-Induced Fluorescence and Resonant Holographic Interferometry is applied to the two-dimensional imaging of radicals in flames. The potential of Four-Wave Mixing Spectroscopy for non-perturbing combustion diagnostics is investigated and the method is applied to radicals in flames. Phase-Conjugation and the use of two different input frequencies are utilized to address typical problems in a combustion environment, i.e., lensing effects due to temperature and density gradients and congested spectra of the analyte due to significant thermal population of the ground state.
More fundamentally, experiments are aimed to obtain detailed knowledge on the spectroscopy of many important radicals that are not yet characterized sufficiently for diagnostic purposes. A molecular beam apparatus has been set up where the collisionless and cold environment provides well defined experimental conditions to produce and investigate the relevant radicals. Finally, temporally and spectrally resolved fluorescence decays in the picosecond time domain are measured in an atmospheric pressure flame. These experiments yield results on vibrational and rotational energy transfer that are required for quantitative laser-induced fluorescence measurements.






Analytical Science in Switzerland

How to Cite

P. P. Radi, P. Beaud, H.-M. Frey, T. Gerber, B. Mischler, A.-P. Tzannis, Chimia 1997, 51, 771, DOI: 10.2533/chimia.1997.771.