Albert Karl Beck's 60th birthday – Thanks to him for the past 40 years the Seebach group has kept functioning Albert Karl Beck wurde 60 – Fast nichts lief ohne ihn für 40 Jahre in der Arbeitsgruppe Seebach
Deck, A.k, S-, se-, te-, f-, and o2n-derivatives, Reactors, Taddol, TechniquesAbstract
Albert K. Beck celebrated his 60th birthday on January 18, 2007. He has been a member of the Seebach group since 1968 and was involved in essentially all areas of research of the group. The article contains Albert Beck's curriculum vitae and a complete list of his 88 publications; some of his contributions are described, and outlined in Fig. 1–13. Congratulations and best wishes are combined with anecdotes illustrating both his character and his experimental skills. The continuous encouragement, devotion, friendship and loyalty, which the author and his group had the privilege to enjoy for decades are cordially acknowledged.Downloads
Columns, Conference Reports
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How to Cite
Chimia 2007, 61, 51, DOI: 10.2533/chimia.2007.51.