How Technical Innovations May Help to Prevent Drug Shortages in Switzerland


  • Daniel Gygax Swiss Academy of Engineering Sciences, CH-8001 Zürich, Switzerland
  • Kaspar Eigenmann Swiss Academy of Engineering Sciences, CH-8001 Zürich, Switzerland
  • Christian Suter Swiss Academy of Engineering Sciences, CH-8001 Zürich, Switzerland
  • Marianne Hürzeler School of Life Sciences FHNW, CH-4132 Muttenz, Switzerland
  • Ahmed Mahmoud Chemspeed Technologies AG, CH-4414 Füllinsdorf, Switzerland
  • Johannes Mosbacher Swiss Academy of Engineering Sciences, CH-8001 Zürich, Switzerland; School of Life Sciences FHNW, CH-4132 Muttenz, Switzerland
  • Norbert Pöllinger Glatt Pharmaceutical Services, D-79589 Binzen, Germany





Automation of chemical synthesis, Drug shortage, Micropellet formulation, On-demand production, Personalized healthcare


In this work, we investigated the technical feasibility of 'on-demand' production of selected drugs to cover their demand for a time window of 90 days. We focused on two sub-processes 'automated chemical synthesis' and 'formulation in micropellets'  to enable personalized dosing. The production of drugs 'on-demand' is challenging, important, but also attractive. Switzerland could thus gain access to an additional instrument for increasing resilience for supply-critical drugs. The biggest challenge in the case study presented here is the scalability of automated chemical synthesis and the application range of micropellet formulations.




How to Cite

D. Gygax, K. Eigenmann, C. Suter, M. Hürzeler, A. Mahmoud, J. Mosbacher, N. Pöllinger, Chimia 2023, 77, 616, DOI: 10.2533/chimia.2023.616.