Current Issue
This issue of CHIMIA is devoted to scientific integrity, with a particular emphasis on chemistry. Recent incidences of high-profile figures contesting scientific findings in order to boost their own agenda in areas such as human health; worldwide pandemics; climate change and the impact of artificial intelligence on society highlight how “Fake News” is given credibility boosted by examples of scientific misconduct that open the door to questions about the integrity of scientists and their research. Research integrity is an issue for all scientists who should embrace the promotion of best practices in their own disciplines.
Scientific Articles
Columns, Conference Reports
Community News
CHIMIA Report/Company News
International Journal for Chemistry and Official Membership Journal of the Swiss Chemical Society (SCS) and its Divisions
CHIMIA, a scientific journal for chemistry in the broadest sense covers the interests of a wide and diverse readership. Contributions from all fields of chemistry and related areas are considered for publication in the form of Review Articles and Notes. A characteristic feature of CHIMIA are the thematic issues, each devoted to an area of great current significance.