Vol. 77 No. 7/8 (2023): SCS Major Awards / SCS Fall Meeting 2023

					View Vol. 77 No. 7/8 (2023): SCS Major Awards / SCS Fall Meeting 2023

Each year the Swiss Chemical Society awards prizes to excellent chemical scientists active in the Swiss chemical community. The prizewinners are invited to write an article for CHIMIA describing their awardwinning work. Recipient of the Werner Prize 2023, Prof. Victor Mougel took inspiration from enzymes to design electrocatalysts. Dr. Teodoro Laino and his team received the Sandmeyer Prize 2022 for outstanding work in industrial or applied chemistry. They considered chemical reactions in terms of language elements, a model particularly adapted for machine learning. The Senior Industrial Science Award 2022 was awarded to Dr. Bernd Kuhn, who details in his article how important it is to consider all protein–ligand interactions to accurately predict reactive conformations and biological activity. The challenges in the development of anion-exchange membranes, essential components of efficient fuel cells, are described by  Prof. Xile Hu, who received the Green & Sustainable Chemistry Award 2022. Recipients of the Balmer Prize 2022, Dr. Paolo Lubini and Michele D’Anna pioneered a new approach of teaching chemistry, using chemical potential and entropy very early on. And last but by no means least, the Paracelsus Prize 2022, the most prestigious award of the SCS, was awarded to Prof. Antonio Togni, who expresses in his article his philosophy of research, showing the sometimes subtle intertwining of “urgent science” vs “luxury science”.

This issue also contains the program and information about the Swiss Chemical Society Fall Meeting, August 24-25, 2022, and all the abstracts of the oral and poster contributions.

Published: 2023-08-09


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SCS Fall Meeting 2023

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