Vol. 76 No. 7-8 (2022): SCS Laureates and Awards & Fall Meeting 2022

The SCS supports a very active award program and in the past year a wide range of outstanding scientists at all career levels were honored. This issue presents contributions from these scientists: Prof. Fabian von Rohr, University of Geneva, was awarded the Werner Prize 2022, the Sandmeyer Award 2021 went to teams from Casale and Clariant, Dr. Andrew Edmunds, Syngenta, received the Senior Industrial Science Award 2021 and the Industrial Science Award went to Dr. Cornelia Zumbrunn, Idorsia. Dr. Kristýna Kantnerová, currently at the University of Colorado Boulder, was honoured with the METAS Award 2021, while Prof. Andrew deMello, ETH Zurich, received the Simon-Widmer Award 2021. Last but certainly not least, Prof. Francesca Paradisi, University of Bern, was honored with the Green & Sustainable Chemistry Award 2021.
This issue also contains the program and information about the Swiss Chemical Society Fall Meeting, September 8, 2022, and all the abstracts of the oral and poster contributions.