Vol. 75 No. 6 (2021): Peptide Chemistry in Switzerland

The Editorial Board of CHIMIA warmly thanks the guest editors Dr. Thomas Vorherr and Prof. Dr. Jean-Louis Reymond for the successful realisation of this fascinating update on Peptide Chemistry in Switzerland.
The cover image shows the interaction between Cp40 (light grey), a peptidic complement inhibitor of the compstatin family, with its target protein, the complement opsonin C3b (teal). A Cp40-based drug candidate is currently in clinical development by Amyndas Pharmaceuticals for various inflammatory disorders. The image was prepared by Dr. Daniel Ricklin (University of Basel) using PyMOL and structural data (PDBID 7BAG) obtained by Drs. Piet Gros and Xiaoguang Xue (Utrecht University) and Dr. John D. Lambris (University of Pennsylvania).